Sky Watch Fryday

I took this photo while I was going for a walk. I was interesting trying to keep social distancing in mind. Fortunately not a whole lot of people out. I also saw someone yesterday wearing a mask. I hope the coronavirus situation ends soon. However it did not hinder in enjoying my walk.


  1. Glad to hear you are out and about. That's a beautiful sky!!

  2. It must have felt so wonderful to get outside. I haven't had a walk in weeks other than to the grocery store. Lovely sky photo.

  3. Everyone here is wearing masks and we are on 24 hour lockdown. All flights are canceled, period. You are very lucky to be able to go out for a nice walk. It's already too hot here to do that... Stay well!

  4. Das Foto sieht wunderbar aus, richtig romantisch.
    Ein Himmel zum träumen !
    Bleibt gesund in diesen schlimmen Zeiten
    Warm greetings from Germany
    My Sky ...

  5. Truly a great photo!
    We're wearings masks too and I hope, this will be over soon.
    Greetings from Germany


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