Journaling Before Bed


It is now time for me to go to bed and I thought I would try to do a quick journal entry.

I have a journal that is specifically for Christmas and I was going to write in that. I had this past week off. I did get my Christmas shopping done and the house is now decorated for Christmas. 

I had visited my daughters in Kansas the past few days and I got to see my grand children and the grand kittens. I did a quick cat video while I was visiting my youngest daughter. She has a really cute kitten that is full of energy.

Here is the link to that video.

Speaking of grandchildren, I feel bad not getting the grandchildren I usually get to see every week. I am exhausted after a road trip and wanted to chill out a little bit more before my vacation officially ends.

I really is late for me now, and I am heading off to bed.

Good night and sweet dreams.
